Common password reset issues


User is having problems resetting their password

1) The user must use a hardware and browser combination that is supported for the Perspectives website. Supported hardware and browsers may be found at the top of the Perspectives website under “Site Requirements”. Smartphones, Tablets and “Books” such as Chrome Books may not be used with the Perspectives website at this time.

i. Hardware that may be used at this time include PCs or Macs.

ii. Browsers that may be used include – Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. (These must be latest version).

iii. If the user is not using a supported hardware and browser combination, then they must switch to one that is supported per “Site Requirements” and try again.

2) Be sure that the user is using the correct email to login with. If the email is incorrect, the user will not receive the reset email from Perspectives. For security reasons, the reset emails will only be sent to the email of record in the user’s profile.

i. If the user is using the correct email address and they are still not getting the password reset email they should check their spam and trash folders to see if the password reset email is there. Sometimes the email admin for the user blocks the Perspectives email or the user has an app set up that requires the user to input any emails into a filter program so that only emails that have been entered may get through to the inbox. If this is the case, then the user will need to contact their email admin and request that emails from not be blocked or enter our email into their filter app so this email is not blocked.

3) Password reset emails expire in 2 hours.

i. If the user is not able to change their password within 2 hours, they must request another reset email.

ii. If a follow-on request for a password reset is made then only the reset link in the last request remains valid. For security reasons, the links on any previous requests are expired by the website.

iii. If a user has forgotten the answers to their Security Questions they must contact their coordinator for assistance. The Help Desk is not allowed to provide users with the answers to their security questions.

4) Users may only have one account but sometimes they open more than one, which causes problems with website operations. This can lead to people using the information from one account in an attempt to reset the other account.

i. Make sure they are trying to reset the right account.

ii. Request the Help Desk merge the two accounts. In order to do this the last name, first name, street address, city, zip code and state on the two accounts must be exactly the same.

5) Each user account must use a unique email address.

Login Troubleshooting Guide